Britney davė intervių "The TJ Show" laidos metu Amp 103.3 radijo stotyje. Ji prisipažino, kad jai labai patinka pasirodyti scenoje ir nekantrauja kuomet prasidės "Britney: Piece Of Me" koncertai. Britney interviu ištraukos:
"A lot of sex goes into what I do. But sometimes I would like to bring it back to the old days when there was like one outfit through the whole video, and you’re dancing the whole video, and there’s like not that much sex stuff going on. It’s about the dance and it’s about being old school, it’s like keeping it real and just making it about the dance. I’d love to do a video like that".
Apie vaizdo klipą "Work Bitch":
"Oh my god, we showed way more skin and did way more stuff for the video then what is actually there. Like, I cut out half the video because I am a mother and because, you know, I have children, and it’s just hard to play sexy mom while you’re being a pop star as well".