Many reporters say no one can take the world by storm like Elvis or Michael Jackson and yet Mariah Carey has more number ones hits and ‘The VOICE’. What’s making them the standard of pop culture icons and not her? It’s their fans. Their fans are dedicated, enthusiastic and vocal.
Aren’t we cut from the same cloth? I mean were talking about our parents and grandparents generations here. And there’s NO way the Baby Boomers and Generation Xers can topple us. We’re Generation Now! So let’s act NOW to show the world how Mariah’s fans show their dedication.
On Saturday, March 27, 2010 at 1PM EST all Mariah Carey fans all over the world will do the exact same thing for an hour. We’ll call all the radio stations and request Mariah’s latest “Up Out My Face.” (Original version or the remix featuring Nicki Minaji) Now I’m not talking a placing one call and being happy that some receptionist recorded your request for that evening’s request rotation. I’m talking about you call, your friends call, their friends call, and their friends, etc. We are going to jam their phone lines with requests for one hour so they’ll play her song and talk about the constant phone request live on the air.
Here’s the rules:
1. Each Mariah fan (aka Lamb) must find locate the numbers of two of their favorite radio stations. (I state ‘numbers’ because many stations have more than one phone number for contest and song dedications.)
2. You MUST be friendly and kind. Explain that its Mariah’s birthday and you want to hear, “Up Out My Face” during the hour. When they record your request, thank them and state you love their station. Get off the phone quickly so other Lambs can call or so you can just call back using a different voice.
3. Then Twitter about your call and let the other Lambs know your progress at the following Mariah-based Twitter sites: HMB Movement Island Def Jam Mariah Connection
4. Then do it again until the hour is up. Let see how can place the most calls in 60 minutes. (NO CHEATING!)
The beauty of this is national news stations WILL report our activity when local radio stations get INUNDATED with fan calls. At first they’ll think her manager or record company put us up to this but then they’ll research the story online and discover it was a LAMB ATTACK in the name of love and dedication for Mariah. LET’S GO LAMB NATION!!!
(If you don’t know what time is equivalent to Eastern Standard Time (EST), please visit to convert your time now.
Source: Thanks to Resa